- How to Use the Curriculum
- Overview of the Curriculum
- Curricular Units and Objectives
- Theoretical Basis for Selection of Objectives and Activities
- Curriculum for Culturally Responsive Medical Care: The Step-By-Step Guide for Cultural Competence Training
- Sessions A-C – Orientation Sessions
- Sessions 1-10 – Year 1 of the Curriculum
- Sessions 11-20 – Year 2 of the Curriculum
- Sessions 21-20 – Year 3 of the Curriculum
- Teaching Techniques
- Attention Grabbers
- Skill Builders
- Catalysts
- Intensifiers
- Trackers
- Cultural Competence Exercises
- Evaluation Tools
- Tools for Tracking or Assessing Learners
- Tools for Tracking or Evaluating the Program
- Evaluation References
- Resources and References
Dr. Ring was the Director of Behavioral Sciences and Cultural Medicine in the White Memorial Family Medicine Residency Program in Los Angeles for 19 years, where he taught cultural medicine, doctor-patient communication, and mind-body medicine. He received his PhD in clinical psychology and is a Fellow of the Society for the Study of Ethnic Minority Issues (Division 45) of the American Psychological Association. Dr. Ring is past Chair of the Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Group on Minority Health and Multicultural Education, and has led numerous workshops on culturally responsive medicine. He is the author of The Long and Winding Road: Personal Reflections of an Anti-Racism Trainer published by the American Journal of Orthopsychiatry.